Friday, January 30, 2009

*Stay Encouraged/Empowered*

Be encouraged. As a full-time student and full-time worker, I have grown to appreciate the things that God has allowed me to acquire in life. I have grown to become a very hard worker and a very determined individual. Because of my independent status, I buy all my own clothes, shoes, cars, etc. I feel it’s very important for people my age to “step up” and start doing these things for themselves. I believe that anyone in this world can succeed and live a comfortable life if they put in the effort and stay encouraged.

Be empowered. The time is now for people to stop waiting on the government for handouts. The time is now for people to get a higher education. The time is now for people to acquire jobs and do the things necessary to stay employed. The time is now for people to stop making excuses. The need to be better or do better should always empower individuals or groups to do what is necessary to succeed. Given the current economic situation, people need to realize their future depends on today.

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